Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time Travel Tuesday

Today we time traveled our way back to Ancient Greece in our spiffy cardboard time machine.  I dressed the kids in togas and we made some little leaf head dresses (still not really sure what those are called...)

When we arrived in ancient Greece we had a little geography and history lesson.  I showed them where Greece is, learned about the people, their cities, etc.  We also learned about the original Olympics, the games and then in the afternoon had our own Olympics.
We also learned a little bit about the Greek Alphabet and made some Greek Alphabet cards.
Today was somewhat of a frustrating day though.  I had this whole ancient Greek thing planned and it seemed like the kids fought me the whole way on it, like they didn't want to have fun.  It was very frustrating.  Combine that with the lack of listening and attitudes that seemed to be contagious today... well it was frustrating.  I just try to remind myself that this happens with kids and tomorrow they will most likely be happiness and sunshine so I should just keep on trucking...

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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