Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down...

Yes, I do fancy myself a modern day Mary Poppins especially when Nate asks me if I brought my Nanny purse with the fun stamps in it today! Haha, kids are adorable, and I am Netflixing Mary Poppins next because I have not seen that movie in too long!!

So today was a good day even though we had our ups and downs which is pretty typical for any day.  I have never met two children that are so touchy about having sunscreen put on.  I can be putting it on their ears and they say "no no Miss Lindsay!! you're going to get it in my eyes!!"  But that is a daily struggle with us.  Some days they love doing work book type lessons and ask me when they can do them and others they completely object to it.  Today was a good day though when they wanted to.  They both worked on these matching cards to help them learn letters and numbers and simple math.  It was really cool that Nate actually wanted me to show him some simple addition and subtraction.  We also made some cool mobiles:

 So today was a fun day! And everyone said that the brownies we made yesterday were great!

So today I made a bracelet from some of the scraps from my other trials of t shirt things.  The braided t shirt scarf didn't look quite the way I wanted it to so I'm taking it apart and trying to go somewhere else with that... We'll see how it goes.  Here's the bracelet though I'm going to try to make another one with the flowers a little bit smaller.

That's all for today! Stay tuned for more adventures!

So I finished this necklace thing before bed and wanted to add some pictures!! It's way past my bedtime but I just had to get this out there lol....

Ta da!! Let me know what you think!

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