Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend on the Lake!

The end of last week just flew by me and I did not get a chance to post our Thursday or Friday adventures in the nanny world.  We played with stamps on Thursday and since we had the ink pads out we made thumb-print trees that turned out really cool.  We also made our own Hollywood walk of fame!  We traced our hands and cut them out then decorated them and put our signatures and everything on there.  On Friday we did our usual routine and in the afternoon I let the kids play in the water with their usual toys and they had lots of fun.  It was super hot so it was the perfect afternoon activity that day. 

This weekend was tons of fun!  We went to Joel's family reunion at his Aunt's lakehouse on Cedar Creek Lake.  We got there on Friday night, got to hang out for a little bit and then went to get rested for Saturday.  We got an early start Saturday morning, went to walmart and got some peppers and stuff for dessert (I made my faux strawberry shortcake) which was a big hit.  One of Joel's family friends took us out on her boat for a tour of that lake that morning/afternoon and it was really fun!  We got to jump into the lake for a little while, look at all the really pretty, really expensive houses and it was nice.  When we got back Joel's cousins took us out on a tube they had tied to the back of one of the jet skis.  It was fun but very difficult!  Joel got thrown off once but I managed to hold on the whole time, my arms were just a little sore this morning.  I also got to drive the jet ski and got a little crazy out there on the lake- I was going side to side kind of swerving and Joel said I almost threw him off.. woops!  He still loves me- see:

Just ignore the lovely mark on my lip, I swear I'm fine, it was not a lake injury like the many other injuries we had this weekend- a cut foot on a rock in the lake, and a black eye from falling off the tube.  But everyone is still alive and recovering. 

Here is the Mama Duck that is apparently hatching her eggs on the boat dock.  She was very protective and got very upset when anyone was up there with her making any kind of commotion.

And there's Joel filling up the jet ski for our little ride this morning.  It wasn't as calm on the lake this morning as it was yesterday so when Joel was driving and we got out in the middle of the lake a little we were hitting some serious waves, it was fun.  When I was driving I got going really fast down the middle of his Aunt's little cove- it was sweet, felt like we were flying.

One more shot of Joel and I for the road! Love this guy and his awesome family!! We had a great time this weekend and his family is so warm and welcoming, I love going and hanging out with them!  Now it's time for me to rest up for this next week- seems like it might be a long one after two 4 day weeks... But I'm sure it will be fun. 

Stay tuned for more adventures!!

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