Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sundays are awesome!

Today was a particularly awesome Sunday because Joel and I went to go see the final installment in the Harry Potter saga.  It was a really great movie, and I'm not just saying that because usually I find every little flaw in those movies that is just the tiniest bit different from the books.  Of course there were inconsistencies but I thought they did a really good job tying everything together and giving it a good ending.  Any who enough of my dorkiness.  :)

I finished off one of the boxes I was working on yesterday and decided to put it on the wall.  And when I put it on the wall I saw how cool it looked, I decided that I must get more and make a little collage of them, I think it would be really cool.  Here are a couple different angles:

I also used some of the rosettes that I made yesterday to decorate a plain canvas bag.  It looks really cute, and I still have more rosettes to use!

I found a recipe for a drink called "Junk Hunter's Juice" in Disney Fun Magazine and it looked really yummy.  It was with an article about going antiquing and thrift store shopping.  It has raspberry tea and limeade concentrate in it.  I made some and it was delicious!

I also made some cinnamon streusel muffins for my employers for being so awesome last week with my car troubles!

And that was my Sunday, not too stressful, not too boring!  Stay tuned for more adventures!

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