Saturday, July 16, 2011

Time's fun when you're having flies!

Time kind of slipped away from me these last few days! So pardon my tardiness in posting (and the rather long post that will follow). 

Thursday: Pretty much the same routine, usual stuff.  The maids were coming to clean the house for the party on Saturday so the kids and I had to vamoose for a couple hours.  They were lucky because their mom said they could watch a movie.  They chose The Wizard of Oz which was great with me because I love that movie!  They love it too apparently and proceeded to sing the songs from it for the rest of the day.  (Nate kept on singing "if I only had a brain" which I couldn't help but laugh at....)

Friday: We were pretty busy trying to pick up the kids' stuff and put away their clothes making everything look nice for the party.  We did our usual outside time although that was interrupted by a swarm of angry wasps that swarmed out from under the kids' play fort... Luckily none of us got stung and Nate didn't get hurt when he took a flying leap from the top of the play fort to run away.  In the afternoon I gave the kids a bath which they thought was the coolest thing ever because I let them play with these tub numbers and letters that they can stick to the sides of the tub.  And it was hilarious when Abby was brushing her hair afterward she just sang to herself in the mirror for like 15 minutes, I was cracking up!  After all that excitement we made some pasta necklaces with our leftover pasta from the snakes-

Friday night was lots of fun because Sarah and I got to hang out which we don't do enough of anymore!! We got some chinese food for dinner and then spent at least an hour walking around and goofing off in Target.  It was pretty awesome.  Then we went back to her place and made yummy cupcakes, watched a chick flick and played with her spastic kitten, Lorelai!
cup cakes before and....

cup cakes after!! So yummy!  Sarah and I should be baking geniuses together more often, the result is delicious!!

Saturday: Today was Abby's party.  I added one last addition to her present- some headbands to match her t shirt with the flowers on it!
She was so excited about opening presents that by the time she got to mine she was throwing all the tissue paper behind her and tosses these out with it.  She then proceeded to put them around her neck like a necklace and around her waist like a belt... not what I had intended but hey, whatever works!  This was her bag that I decorated for her:

Her mom said it was really cute and they would keep it, which I think is pretty cool.  It's not like I spent forever on it but I think it is a cute keepsake!  The kids seemed to have a lot of fun at the party.  They had a bounce house that had a water slide that you slid down into the pool.  As Joel put it he was getting tired just watching them!  Even though Abby was a bit apprehensive about it at first, she got into it and was having a blast in no time, so all in all I would say it was a success. 

Also today I started working on some throw pillows that I've been meaning to make since we moved in her about 3 months ago now.  And I was inspired by my friend Katie's blog where she made a zebra print and floral pillow case a few days ago that was uber cute!  They're not done yet, this is the first of 3 and I think I want to add some rosebud appliques to them as well but here is my first almost done pillow:
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more adventures!!

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