Fun Facts About Me!

Just a few things I wanted to share about myself.....

I'm 23 years old (don't know when that happened) and I live in Lewisville, TX (about 20 minutes away from Dallas).  I graduated from the University of North Texas in 2009 with my degree in Political Science, summa cum laude, and in 2010 with my degree in Economics, magna cum laude.  I hope to go to grad school and get my masters and phd, I think in Political Science, and become a professor.  I love teaching, but not really at the younger school levels because I really love the depth and complexities of the different subject matter that I have submerged myself in, in my higher education thus far.

 I am currently working  as a nanny for two great kids.  We have lots of fun together learning, exploring and arts and crafting.  They are the reason I started this blog to keep track of my nanny adventures- all the ups and downs and different things I learn along the way.  I have always had so much fun working with children and I am truly enjoying working with them, sharing all the things I have learned so far and learning new things every day.  It truly is a new nanny adventure every moment!

This is me and my amazing boyfriend Joel.  We have been dating a little over a year now, I think about a year and two months.  We just moved into our apartment together about two months ago and we both love living together.  Being with him everyday makes me very happy and I know I am so lucky to have him in my life.  Anything else I write about Joel would just be gushing so I will stop here :)

I love doing all kinds of arts and crafts things and decorating our apartment has been my favorite project so far!  I've made a lot of my own decorations and used different things that I have collected over the years, so my style is definitely very eclectic and arts and crafty.  I have also recently gotten into make my own shirts, or at least decorating them.  I love scrapbooking too! One of my really good friend's mom got me started a couple years ago and I have been obsessed with it ever since.  I got kind of behind last year and am still trying to catch up and get everything all in order but it's fun so it's all good!

I also really enjoy taking pictures! Right now I just have a little point and shoot camera (which I love, don't get me wrong) that my dad got me about 6 years ago for Christmas and it still works like a charm.  I am excited though because my dad has an extra camera body and is looking for a decent lens for it so that I can start to learn to use it and take better pictures! Like I said I am pretty excited about this and can't wait to get started learning something new!  

Well that's pretty much all about me!! Stay tuned to learn more!!