Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday... Wednesday... it's almost Thursday!!

So once again I didn't post yesterday because of my pictures :( I had them on my phone but my computer wouldn't recognize that my phone was hooked up so I could upload them... silly technology!  But it magically worked today, so all is good!

Yesterday when I got to work the kids were very excited because all of the seeds that we had planted last week were starting to sprout! Here are some of them:
The really tall ones on the right are the zinias.  The instructions that came with them said to plant them in the ground once they were about 3 inches tall so we planted those in one of the flower beds!  It will be really exciting once they actually bloom and have flowers on them.  I am excited that I have not managed to kill them and that the kids will get to see the growth process from seed, to little sprout, to full size plant, and then it's blossoms!  I think the sunflowers will be the next to go in the ground, they were getting even taller today and maybe by tomorrow or Friday we can plant them!

In the afternoon we did felt pictures.  I think it is really good for the kids just to have a bunch of random shapes put in front of them and then say "here, make a picture".  It inspires creativity, helps them learn their shapes, and how they can be put together to make different things.  They really seemed to enjoy it and they got to add their felt stickers that their mom got them making it even more special. 

That was yesterday's excitement.  Today was not quite as eventful.  We had a rocky start to the day with some grumpy attitudes, time outs, and little fights, but all in all it wasn't a bad day.  Apparently playing outside all morning tired them out because they both took long naps today.  So by the time they got up this afternoon we did some of our wipe-off workbooks and other daily activities we do, they played a little, and it was time for me to go home.

I am a little bit of a dork, I must admit, but you have to understand that I grew up with this book series and then the movies and now this is the last one!! I can't believe that the final installment of the Harry Potter series is going to be in theatres in only a matter of days!!! As a tribute to my favorite character, I felt I had to share this:
I don't know if I'm sad or not... I will probably just be upset at all the things the movie gets wrong.... haha.  Well that's all for today, we'll see if I can't think of something fun to do tomorrow for the kids, and for all my 2 followers to read about!!

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