Monday, July 18, 2011

Just another manic Monday, oooh woah!

Today actually wasn't all that manic, it was actually a pretty good Monday.  The bounce house was still there because of some problems they had setting it up on time and missing parts so we started out the day with a couple hours on the bounce house water slide!  It was really fun and Abby seemed to enjoy it much more when there were fewer kids jumping around and rough housing on it- she just got to do her own thing!  Nate found this really small frog that became his best friend.  He watched it swim and he slid down the slide with it several times, he just had a ball.  We spent almost the entire afternoon playing dress up with all of her new princess dresses, dancing, having a good time. 

I don't have any new projects to share but here are some old ones I have been working on for quite a while and need some motivation to finish.  The first is a blanket I'm knitting for my mom.  The thinness of the yarn and the size 5 needles are making it a rather long process, here it is so far:
As you can see, it needs a lot of work!  The other is my t-shirt rug.  I got the idea from this tutorial and decided that instead of using one color t-shirt for it I would use all my old shirts that I've been saving intending to make a t-shirt quilt or something with but this seemed better...
But I have been working on it now for 5 months and I haven't even managed to cut all the t-shirts into strips yet... I think it will look really cool when it's done but I have no idea when that will be.  Need MOTIVATION!!!

That's all for now, stay tuned for more adventures!

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