Thursday, June 30, 2011

I love my job :)

So happy surprise today- earlier this week, the kids' dad told me he was taking Friday off and only needed me to work a half day so he could get a few things done, today he called me and said I could take the whole day off! Sweeeet~ 4 day weekend!

Any who... I didn't blog yesterday because I got home ridiculously late (it was almost 8).  I do love my job but it's exhausting some days.  I leave around 6:40 every morning and get home anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30- long days.  Yesterday was a fun day though.  We played outside in the water and I made the kids water balloons and we had our little water-palooza.  Our water-palooza= 2 blow up pools + a sprinkler + throwing water balloons.  It's pretty fun, and some how always ends up with me pretending to be a giant and chasing them around.  They love it, so whatever works!  In the afternoon we usually try to do some kind of lesson so I thought we would combine snack and math, and we counted our cheerios and wrote numbers with them!  They had fun with it and then loved eating them even more!

Today we went outside to check on our little seedlings and one of them sprouted!!
These are the zinias!!  I'm excited and hope the other ones sprout as well.  I invented a new game called tree tag today where you run from tree to tree and count out each one you touch, who ever gets to 15 first wins.  The kids love all the outdoor games like this and red light green light, mother may I, and freeze tag.  This was just funny and I had to take a picture-
Apparently Grace thinks she's a human!  So in the spirit of the 4th of July I tried to explain to the kids the meaning of the holiday, it didn't work so well.... I even resorted to the simplest terms of saying it was America's birthday... nope. Apparently a no go because "only people have birthdays".... oh well, I tried.  Anyway, we made some 4th of July rockets!  Pretty fun, I played around with the picture on this one for fun-
and now I guess I get to enjoy my long weekend! I guess tomorrow I get to relax then have dinner with my brother and his girlfriend (whom I am excited to meet) and the on Saturday it's on to Houston for the holiday weekend!!

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