Friday, June 24, 2011

Day... well I'm not sure:

So this was something I meant to keep up with if not daily at least weekly... well the best laid plans.  Almost four months later I am settling into my job and most days I love what I do.  The kids I work with are loveable, energetic, and, at times, trying.  But nonetheless I love working with them every day and the enthusiastic "Miss Lindsay!!!" when I walk in the door, and the "I don't want you to leave.." every evening when it's time for me to go is truly rewarding.

So the little boy is getting ready for kindergarten.  He's been to his new school for a tour and seems very excited, but also shy.  I think he will do well though because he makes friends easily, loves to talk to anyone who will listen and he is truly a smart kid.  Unfortunately he seems to know that he's smart.. and sometimes this leads to the know it all syndrome.   This past week we have been having the daily debate about whether or not he needs to do his sight word flash-cards, practice writing his letters and numbers, or do any of his work books.  He insists that he doesn't need to practice any of this because he knows how to do it all and does it well.  Which is true, to an extent.  He does do very well with all these things and gets better every day with his words, and we have had the conversation that practice makes perfect but he is insistent that all of this is unnecessary.  Oh 5 year olds.... they certainly are trying at times.  Yes, he also knows everything and loves everything about animals- he screams and yells at me if I kill a fly... or a cockroach... or a spider... and remember they live out in the country so there are lots of these things...

The little girl is about to turn 3 and she is... well... 3.  everything is happiness and sunshine one moment and crying, screaming hysterically the next.  Every day it's princess, fairy or butterfly day in her world and she dresses up as such, oh to be that age again- not a single worry in the world, just whether or not you will get to play princess and go outside and flit around like a fairy.  I feel a big sense of accomplishment with her because I can actually see her learning the things I'm teaching her, unlike with her brother who knew most of these things before I started working with him.  She's ;earning her numbers and is doing really well, and we're starting to attack the letters but it's a little slower going.

I love that I get to use my innate sense of creativity with them- for mother's day we made their mom wreaths, father's day we made fishing poles, we've done paper mache, volcanoes, made our own soap, started scrapbooks, and so much more.  We've done science experiments and explore the outdoors every day.

Well that's all for today, I might post some of my arts and craft stuff I've been working on on my own recently later this weekend!

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