Saturday, August 27, 2011

Long time, no blog

So I haven't blogged in a while because I've been busy, tired, frustrated with one thing or another, etc., etc...  I'm a bad blogger :(  But here's to trying again, trying to be better!

We have started a new chapter in our nanny chapter: Nate started kindergarten this past week.  He is loving it! He has come home everyday with a smiley face  on his chart and a new book to read to us.  So it has been a little quieter during the days but I think that Abby is enjoying her one on one time with me- not having to share the attention with anyone for once.  She is doing very well with her lessons that we've been working on.  This week we focused on the letter A and kept working on her numbers.  She's doing really well, we made our own salt dough play dough to help in shaping and recognizing the letters and numbers.  And finally, as a treat on Friday we made our own ice cream when Nate came home from school and it was 100+ degrees so it was the perfect treat!

This weekend I was determined to fix the somewhat precarious hanging of my stained glass that my grandfather made, but apparently the fates are against me.  Their is something in the wall where I want it hung above the window that is preventing the anchors from going all the way into the wall.  So, sadly I've had to just set it on an end table against the wall, which looks good, just not where I want it.  We also got some curtains for the living room, pretty, blue, I like.  And then I made a cover for a body pillow to add to our bed.  I think it looks pretty cool, honestly the bedroom just looks better and better with each new addition. 

That's all for now, more adventures to come!

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