Friday, August 5, 2011

Fort Worth Field Trip

Joel and I took a little day trip to Fort Worth today!  First stop: Kimbell Museum.

We went specifically to see the Picasso and Braque exhibit, and then toured the museum's permanent collection as well.  The Picasso and Braque was very interesting- it showed the two artists' work side by side in the development of their artistic style.  There were some very cool pieces and it was very interesting to see the way their work progressed in similar directions and the influence that they had on each other.  I think that some of my favorite pieces were the ones that they did on oval and circular canvases.  It was amazing how the different shape of the canvas gave the piece a whole new level of intrigue.

I also got to see a few Monet pieces and a Matisse that I really love (I'm more of an Impressionist girl than a Cubist) in their permanent collection.  Over all, it was a very fun and impressive excursion at the museum :)

Then it was on to the Water Gardens.  I found pictures online yesterday and I was super-psyched to go see them, especially the one you get to walk down into with water falling all around you.  Unfortunately the water wasn't on today, so instead it looked like this:
But I still had fun, especially at the quiet pool.  The pool there and the trees were beautiful!
And the tree roots around the trees were just tooooo cool!!

We think that they poured the concrete in a circle around the tree forcing the roots to grow up instead of out, however it happened it is awesome and the same thing was going on around the edge of the pool.

And I couldn't pass up putting a pic of Joel and I up :) We're just so cute, I know ;)
There was another pool with what looked like fountains, but again they weren't on sadly.  There was also a little maze to walk through and chill in the shade.

Even with the lack of water at the gardens it was still a lot of fun, and I got some cool pictures.  I can't wait until my dad finds a lens for his old camera and I can start using it! I want so badly to take better, more interesting pictures and learn a new hobby of course.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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