Saturday, August 13, 2011

A little bit of this and a little bit of that!

Today I wanted to make a doily t shirt that I saw a tutorial for here.  It turned out really cool, thanks to Rachel at Maybe Matilda for the tutorial!!
I am so pleased with the results, so cool!  I am very inspired by different blogs that I have been reading lately.  I haven't come up with any new projects of my own but so many from other bloggers that I love and can't wait to try!

I also got some scrap booking done today.  Still trying to catch up, and now I have even more photos I need to print out and scrap book... Will I ever catch up?

I wanted to make something new and interesting for dinner and found a recipe for chickpea patty pitas with tahini sauce.  I really liked that patties but I think next time I will have to tweak the sauce, it wasn't particularly to my liking.  Here's some pics of the patties and the final result.

While I made dinner Joel made us some awesome margaritas because he is so awesome :)
I also made some cupcakes for dessert.  And why make cupcakes the regular way when you have....

Food Coloring!!!!!!!!

And that was the excitement of my Saturday.  Stay tuned for more adventures!!

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