Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to work...

...Except work was not really feeling like work today.  We basically spent the day playing outside- the kids running around being crazy and me taking pictures of it!  It was a beautiful day (gotta love winters in Texas) not too hot, not too cold- juuuust right!
See! Look at that blue sky! Got to love your job when it allows you to enjoy a day as beautiful as this one!  We had fun just running around, swinging, trekking through the woods.  Here's a few shots of my crazy little monsters!

 (see I was being quite literal on this one... haha)

(cuteness monster? maybe for now... haha)

We'll see what kind of activities we get to later in the week but for now this nice winter weather is too nice to pass up in order to do inside projects so we'll see how that goes! more updates later!

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