Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chalk Board Spray Paint (Obsessed!!)

So last weekend I found some chalk board spray paint and decided that it would be put to perfect use on all of the wine bottles I have been collecting.  I was saving them for a wedding in the distant future to use as center pieces (which is still the plan).  Painting them with the chalk board spray paint left such a nice finish, especially compared to the ones I painted with the regular chalk board paint. I think that they will be great as center pieces- you can easily write table numbers, add a little decoration at the top, etc. 

I thought leaving on the labels would add a nice texture once it was painted.  That was actually a little more trouble than it was worth.  Next time I will definitely soak the labels off first; it took too many coats to try and cover them.  Here is my work in progress:
 Here they are after the first coat.
 and a little wooden box that I also painted.
And here is the paint that I used- Rustoleum, the spray handle was definitely a must for how much spray painting I did.  I bought 2 cans of paint for $4 each and the handle was only $2. 

I used a couple of them for decoration on the newly remodeled table with some fake flowers. 

I have to decide what I want to write on there with the chalk.

And here are some shots of the finished bottles:

Love them! They will be perfect for some wedding off in the distant future... :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mosaic Tile Table

It has been a long time since I posted, I have just been very busy with my job, my new obsession (ZUMBA!!), and just having fun living life in general.  I'm getting certified to be a Zumba instructor, and will hopefully have an opportunity to teach at a new location of the studio that I currently go to.  So I am super excited and have thus spent most of my free time doing Zumba or working on choreography.  It has just been such a great experience for me in terms of weight loss (I'm down 30 lbs!!) and in finding something that I truly love to do.  I just really want to share those experiences with others. 

So this weekend Joel and I finally found time for a little DIY project.  We were wandering around Lowes and decided it would be fun to mosaic tile our patio table.  Having done tiling projects before I had a pretty good idea of what we would need and somehow we managed to make it out of there with all the necessary supplies.  We found some really awesome tiles and here is the finished product:

It was fun to do a project again.  I need to keep doing my projects, I realized that I had missed them a lot. 

So next weekend I'm going to be working on some chalkboard paint spray paint bottles and some decorations for our little table here. 

And hopefully at some point I will get around to uploading the pictures of my projects with the kids and get around to writing about those projects and how the kids are progressing.

So till next time, enjoy!